
萬毅團隊簡介 / About Team of Wy 

萬毅成立於 1979 年,座落臺灣最密集的螺絲扣件生產基地 - 岡山路竹地區,
承襲 43 年精進技術及持續製程創新,我們提供更為出眾的品質管制及產品,專業生產沖模具及相關零配件,包含標準規格品及客製化特殊件,皆有完美且超高水準的呈現。
我們秉持著 “ 以皆大歡喜心,滋生公司文化,創造永續經營 ” 之經營理念,迎接日新月異的市場挑戰。

 Professional Manufacturer Founded in 1979, WAN YI tool Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and distributor specialized in designing and producing the highest quality forming tools worldwide. With over 40 years of experience and commitment, we are confident to face stricter challenges into the new era of a global market, while providing our customers with reliable solutions and the best forming tools.  
